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Continue readingHow to display a text in HTML
0 You just place that text in the HTML file, as it is. Source code (HTML): Output (Web Browser): Example
Continue readingHow many words do you write every day?
0 I write 200+ words per day, every day. I speak at about 3 words per second, so 200 words
Continue readingHow to write when you have no inspiration?
0 {this article has 428 words} In the past, I was allocating some time to write, got a blank page,
Continue readingAdd a signature to every WordPress post
+1 I use this free (GPL license) plugin: WP Post Signature Here’s the admin panel, where I set the signature.
Continue readingHow to write when you have no readers?
0 {this article has 489 words} I read this question many times online, and I asked myself “what good is
Continue readingHow to create a Menu in WordPress
0 I created the menu here: Appearance -> Menus https://lunlun.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=0 I gave it a name, I added the some pages
Continue readingHave an easy-to-use digital placeholder for what you write
0 {this article has 313 words} When I get an idea, I try to write it down as soon as
Continue readingWhat is the ID of an WordPress post?
0 When I create / edit a post, I want to know its internal ID, because when I use images
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